The bar chart the number of social networking sites visited by internet users in Canada in 2014 and in 2015. We can from the data that, more than one site.
Although over one fifth of internet users did not any social networking sites in either of the years, the proportion in this category decreased from 22 percent in 2014 to 21 percent in 2015. In both years the highest proportion of users in any group fell into the ‘One site’ category.
. In both years the proportion of internet users fell as the number of social networking sites increased, with 2 percent using five sites in 2014 compared to 4 percent in 2015.
This words (depending on the context) can be potentially replaced with :demonstratesportraysindicatesdisplays
showsThis words (depending on the context) can be potentially replaced with :witness
seein general
, there was a growing tendency to This words (depending on the context) can be potentially replaced with :exploit
This words can be replaced with:merely
justThis words (depending on the context) can be potentially replaced with :exploit
, this group declined sharply
from 36 percent in 2014 to 28 percent in 2015.In contrast
, the numbers who reported using two sites, three sites, four sites and five sites all grew over the period Possible spelling mistake. 'analysed' is British English.analyzed
analysedThis words (depending on the context) can be potentially replaced with :exclusively